Friday, April 17, 2020


1. How many days has he been in quaranine?
2. What story was made up about him?
3. Does he read comments on the internet about him?
4. What's been his pastime over the quarantine?
5. How does he help his girlfriend with the pastime?
6. What does Daniel have in common with Harry Potter?


1. How does he pass time during this lockout?
2. What kind of company does he own?
3. What type of charity has he been involved in?
4. How much did he donate?
5. Ryan tells an anecdote about his father, what is it?
6. In which other ways is he helping other guilds go through the pandemic crisis?
7. What other jobs did he have?
8. Why is he concerned with people who work in the service industry?


1. How long has it been since Jennifer hasn't left the house?
2. Is she happy staying at home?
3. What's the most challenging thing for her?
4. Does she watch the news? How often? What does she think about it?
5. How does she kill time?
6. Did she find anything fun she didn't remember she had?
7. What was the jewel that she found about her parents?
8. What are her hobbies?
9.What did she think she ordered at Amazon?
10. What charity does Jennifer chose to donate the money?