Tuesday, November 3, 2015

B2 Reading practice- BBC article: The Chinese are obsessed with building giant dams

Read the article and focus on vocabulary. Below there's a list of some of the key words you may find  in the article.  Can you find more? Use a monolingual dictionary to look up the new words. Feel free to  post your words and definition in the comments section.

ARTICLE: China’s Three Gorges Dam is one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever undertaken. BBC Future investigates the troubled history of China and its mighty rivers. 

 Topics: Engineering, Globalisation, Ecology. 

 KEY WORDS: dam, gorge, gritty river, electric buggy, vantage points, chunk, displayed, spillway,shiplock, concrete, silt,bellwether, intertwined ,high-handed dismissiveness, bulldozed, etc.

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