Tuesday, February 12, 2013

B1 (WRITING File 6): A film review

What is the meaning of the word slumdog?
Watch the video trailer for Slumdog Millionaire and answer the quizz questions. You can click the play/pause button as many times as you need to work through the video more slowly.
Video trailer

Now do the  Video quizz

This term writing assignment includes writing the review of the film " Slumdog Millionaire".
But before writing, you should think about the following questions first:
1. What is a review? To find out, do this online activity :
1. Reading text ( = class handout)
2. Quizz
3. How is it structured? Remember that before editing your final draft, you should first
write the outline with the information you're going to include in the review.

After reading the review,  think about the contents of each paragraph and try to write your own outline.
We'll check in class. ( You can also check below in point number 2).

For more information on how to write a good film review read the information below.

1. Planning to write a film review
2. Structuring your film review
3. Audience and style
4. Tv and radio film reviews

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